Brookstone Forest Friends
Birth - 3 Year Olds (Birthdays January - June)
Brookstone Forest Friends ministers to the littlest... from newborns to three year olds with birthdays in January - June. Children will have a safe, fun, and loving environment to play and learn about Jesus. The two and three year old classes will experience worship, Bible story time, and crafts! We want to instill Biblical principals in their hearts and minds early on, and teach them that God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever!
There is a nursing/resting room in the Forest Friends wing for mothers to use when needed.
East Asheville Service Times:
Sundays at 11:15AM
Enka Service Times
Sundays at 9:30AM & 11:15AM
Weaverville Service Times:
Sundays at 8:00AM, 9:30AM & 11:15AM

Brookstone Treehouse
3 Year Olds (Birthdays July - December) - 5 Year Olds
We look forward to seeing you in the Brookstone Treehouse! Our staff and volunteers work hard to create a safe and meaningful class experience for you and your children. Here are a few things that will help you know what to expect:
We recommend you arrive 15 minutes prior to the service.
Make sure all items that belong to your children are labeled.
Be sure to inform the check-in assistant of any allergies or health concerns when checking your child in.
The Treehouse is located on the main level to the left of the Worship Center.
East Asheville Service Times:
Sundays at 11:15AM
Enka Service Times
Sundays at 9:30AM & 11:15AM
Weaverville Service Times:
Sundays at 8:00AM, 9:30AM & 11:15AM

Camp Brookstone
Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
Come and experience an exciting, age-appropriate atmosphere where your children can learn God’s truths about His amazing love.
Kindergarten through third grade kids gather during every service at Camp Brookstone for a fun small group and engaging large group experience. Through small groups designed for each age group, as well as a big group time, we want to capture your child's imagination through worship, skits, and a dramatic telling of God's Word. We want kids to know that they can trust God no matter what, that they need to use God's Word to make wise choices, and that they need to treat others the way they want to be treated.
East Asheville Service Times:
Sundays at 11:15AM
Enka Service Times
Sundays at 9:30AM & 11:15AM
Weaverville Service Times:
Sundays at 8:00AM, 9:30AM & 11:15AM

Trail 45 Preteen Ministry
4th & 5th Grade
Trail 45 is the Preteen Ministry of Brookstone Kids! 4th and 5th graders gather for worship, a Bible teaching created especially for the pre-teen age group, and time in small groups.
It is our goal that your preteen knows they are created to pursue an authentic relationship with their Creator, they belong to Jesus Christ and can define who they are by what He says, and they exist every day to demonstrate God's love to a broken world.
Trail 45 is located In the Worship Center of the Student Building.
8:00 - Upstairs in Camp Brookstone
9:30 - Room 100 Student Center
11:15 - Room 100 Student Center
Weaverville Service Times & Locations

Special Environments at the Weaverville Campus
The Bunny Room
Family Worship Environment
Located downstairs on the Forest Friends wing, the Bunny Room is a space for mothers with newborns to care for their little ones and view the live-streamed worship service in a quiet and nurturing environment.
If your child isn't quite ready to attend Brookstone Kids, we don't want that to stop your family from joining us on Sunday mornings! Located upstairs in Room 267, this space is for your family to watch the live-streamed worship service together, while having plenty of space for coloring, snack time, and making yourselves comfortable.
Wednesday Night Escape

Kids need an escape in the middle of the week! Parents need an escape every once in a while! Even Jesus escaped when He withdrew from the crowds to seek the will of the Father. Every week at Brookstone there is a Wednesday Night Escape is for your kids to engage in Bible teaching, hilarious games, scripture memorization, and creative ways of hiding God’s Word in their heart while being led by a team of Godly adults.
Each of the main Brookstone Kids areas that are open on Sunday morning will be ready to check your child in from Forest Friends (0-3 years old), Treehouse (Pre-K), and Camp Brookstone (Kindergarten-5th Grade). Check-in for these areas will begin at 6:15PM and parents are invited to participate in the Connect Groups and Equip Classes happening on Wednesday nights.
If needed, parents are able to leave the campus while their child is in Wednesday Night Escape, but must return promptly at 8:00PM for pickup. Let your child escape to Brookstone Kids on Wednesday nights this year.
Wednesday Night Escape 2025 Dates
Birth-5th Grade
Forest Friends, Treehouse, and Camp Brookstone (4th and 5th grade will be in Camp Brookstone)No Pre-registration Required. Parents may drop off their child and leave the campus if needed but must return promptly at 8:00PM for pickup.
15th - Week 1
22nd - Week 2
29th - Week 3
5th - Week 4
12th - Week 5
19th - Week 6
26th - Week 7
5th - Week 8
12th - Week 9
19th - Week 10
26th - Week 11
2nd - Week 12
9th - Week 13
30th - Week 1
7th - Week 2
14th - Week 3
21st - Week 4
28th - NO WEDNESDAY NIGHT ESCAPE - (Memorial Day)
4th - Week 5
18th - NO WEDNESDAY NIGHT ESCAPE (Summer Splash)
9th - Week 1
16th - Week 2
23rd - Week 3
30th - Week 4
6th - Week 5
13th - Week 6
20th - Week 7
27th - Week 8
10th - Week 1
17th - Week 2
24th - Week 3
1st - Week 4
8th - Week 5
15th - Week 6
22nd - Week 7
29th - Week 8
5th - Week 9
12th - Week 10
19th - Week 11
3rd - Week 12
10th - Week 13
17th - Week 14
24th - NO WEDNESDAY NIGHT ESCAPE - [Christmas Eve]
31st - NO WEDNESDAY NIGHT ESCAPE - [New Year’s Eve]