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Welcome To

College & Young Adult Ministry at Brookstone Church

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This is a ministry where young adults, ages 18-29, can find belonging and community that is transformational.  Join us weekly to get a greater sense of what God has called us to, who He has called us to be, and discover how you can experience a journey that is far greater than one can imagine!

You Belong Here


Young Folk is back September 12th, 13th, and 14th.  Kick off the fall semester with us three nights in a row!  Enjoy shared meals and coffee at one of our favorite coffee trucks around.  Worship sessions every single night. A brand new series and small group breakouts.  Fellowship, worship and community all weekend long . Plus, keep an eye out for the golden ticket—you could win a pair of AirPods!

Thursdays at
young folk

Thursdays at young folk happen on the first and third thursday of every month at our north campus for college students and young adults to have a place to fellowship together, build community, and to grow in our faith through the study of God's word.


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cultivate meaningful relationships centered around the person and work of Jesus for the purpose of living on mission together. 

For Last Minute Updates: Follow us on Instagram @Youngfolk_b

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