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Photo Apr 02, 6 26 13 PM.jpg

Somewhere Someone
Student Center Campaign

The Mission
At Brookstone Church we believe that Jesus came to build a church that overpowers the forces of Hell and enlarges the Kingdom of Heaven, we envision being that church.


Youth Culture does this by partnering with parents, reinforcing the discipleship that takes place in the family, and coming alongside the mothers and fathers of our students to establish a faith that is being built at church as well as at home.

Our Immediate Reach

On a regular basis, there are a variety of schools that are represented by the students who attend Youth Culture. There are students who attend every week from schools that are further away such as Mitchell, Avery, and Yancey County as well as districts in Buncombe County such as Enka, T.C. Roberson, Erwin, Owen and Reynolds. The students that attend these schools and who are certainly considered within the broad reach of our student ministry is between 10,000 and 12,000 students. Additionally, there are 8 schools that each have a large number of students attending every week at Youth Culture services. If we were to calculate the students right within our very near and immediate reach where we already are seeing multiple pockets of the population engaging at Youth Culture, we would have roughly 4,000 students. 


The 8 schools from which we see consistent attendance at Youth Culture are
Reynolds Mountain Christian Academy, Madison Middle School,
Madison High School, North Windy Ridge, North Buncombe Middle School, North Buncombe High School, Asheville Christian Academy, and the local Homeschool Community.


This means there are roughly 4000 students between the ages of 11 and 18 within immediate reach of Brookstone Youth Culture. 


“By God’s work in me through this season of youth ministry, I decided to pursue ministry for my own life, as in youth ministry and eventually church planting. I decided during youth ministry that I wanted to go seek a bible degree. All of that has been a domino effect that has made me who I am and has put me where I am today. Youth ministry can be life shaping”   -George Claud - Class of 2007

Students Are Asking Two Questions

Students Are Asking Two Questions
Youth workers, student pastors, and teachers across the nation, as well as our own Youth Culture Leadership team agree that students today are asking two primary questions.


Where do I belong?
Who loves me?

Students will try to find answers to these questions. 
They will think they have found a place to belong on a sports field, in an after-school club, a hobby, and those are all great activities, but they will all have seasons, or semesters and will eventually come to an end.

Students will look for someone who loves them, and they will often settle for peers who merely accept them. 


The church has to be the answer to these questions for the students of our community because our answers to these questions are eternal, never-ending, and consistent.


The scriptures hold the answers that the next generation is seeking. 
The body of Christ offers the belonging they desire.
Jesus, along with His love, is the someone they are looking for. 


As the Church, we must do everything we can to make sure a student knows that we have a place for them to belong, that we have Godly adults who are ready to love them in a way that reflects the perfect love of Christ.


We are going to give these students somewhere to belong because if we don’t, the enemy most certainly will. 


For middle school and high school students, the physical space matters. Ownership, having real estate that they can claim as their own, is empowering to a student. Students are smart. They recognize when something is prioritized to invest in them, and they also recognize when they are getting some kind of hand-me-down.

The New Youth Culture Building is going to speak volumes to our students and to everyone in our community that we are serious about investing in the next generation. It’s going to communicate that the Kingdom of God doesn’t hinder the children from coming to Christ. We suffer the children, we welcome the students, we will do whatever it takes to give them a place to belong. 


Middle schooler, high schooler, you belong here. 


We believe every student needs godly adults in their lives.
We believe that parents are the primary disciplers in a student’s life.
We also believe that parents benefit by having an additional adult voice in their child’s life that reinforces what parents are striving to instill in their children.


It is easy to see, and many workers in student ministry agree, that often before a student believes, they need someone to believe in them. A meaningful relationship with a christian adult is listed as one of the top reasons that college students and young adults didn’t walk away from their faith. Youth Culture is determined to give students the someone they need. Youth Culture is equipped with men and women, adults who love God, love students, and are ready to invest. 


The New Student Center will have 15 spaces for students to sit in a circle with godly adults in a small group setting, multiple areas for students to laugh, play and connect with each other, and a service setting that will allow youth culture to rally together, worship, and be encouraged and challenged all together at once.


The Student Center will not only be a place designed to connect students to godly adults, each other, and ultimately the Lord. It will also be a place that empowers the student to put their hands to the work of ministry. We will have several offices and desks for students to come in during the week after school to help with creative planning, ministry preparation, online engagement, writing captions, editing photos and videos, creating physical publications, recording podcasts, music and more.


The New Student Center will imprint on student’s minds that the Church has vast opportunities for them to put their faith into action, to help them live out their calling and let them establish a culture of faith in their own community.


At Brookstone Church we believe that every student needs “a someone” who believes in them, and every student needs “a somewhere” to belong. We are determined to give our students that someone, and that somewhere.


This is not a youth culture building; it’s building youth culture.

“My son was involved because everything was explained to him on his level, youth ministry has had a huge impact on him.  I believe it has made him the man he is today.” -Eleanor Wallen - Parent


“It wasn’t just one event or one gathering or one game. It was a 4-5 year season packed full of defining moments that all slowly shape you into someone you didn’t know you were becoming.”    

-George Claud - Class of 2007

God Has Blessed Our Ministry
The last several years:
2019 - 721 students came to Youth Culture along with 260 first-time guests.
2020 - even during Covid-19, 510 students came to a Youth Culture event with 148 first-time guests.
In 2021, Youth Culture is on track to welcome over 750 students.


Since Brookstone Church relocated to the Weaverville Campus in November 2017, more than 1,000 students have attended a youth culture event. 


In the last 2 years, 115 students have trusted in Christ as their savior!


What God has given us is a BLESSING!


When you have a population of 4,000 students in our community and 1,000  have been a part of Youth Culture in the last 3 years, that means there is a significant sphere of students who are already aware of what God is doing here at Brookstone Church. They have heard of it, know about it, and are actively choosing whether or not they will come check it out and get involved.

We refuse to settle for students just knowing about Youth Culture. We are determined to extend as many avenues as possible into the culture of the next generation. 


We do not just want to have an impact on what is already happening in students lives, we want to be what is happening in a student’s life. 


We are not here to just influence the culture, we want to establish the culture of youth in our community.


This is not a youth culture building, it’s building youth culture.

“Brookstone student ministry became a place that I knew that there was always someone there who knew me, who cared about me. My leaders would always ask me how I was doing in every sense of my life. I knew that anytime I went to youth group there was always someone there I could talk to about anything and they would genuinely listen and genuinely care.”     -Heath Ballard - Class of 2017

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“Having my youth leaders to have different perspectives from where they were at in life and to be able to pour into us teen girls, showing us how God was intentional and how following Him would bring us what we needed and that was the best way for us to live life and not to do it on our own and that we couldn’t do it on our own.  Student ministry gave me the foundation for my life”  

-Brooke Wallace - Class of 2009


Justin Hepler's Story

“The youth leaders played such a huge role in my life and my walk with the Lord. Their discipleship, the way they taught me to lead and love other people, and what it looks like to serve. Brookstone is truly about making disciples and they want to keep raising up the next generation”    -Emily Damon - Class of 2016

“As I minister to students on college campuses I’m reminded of the way my youth leaders ran after me when I was in middle school and high school. In the way I engage these students with Christ is the way that my youth leaders engaged me. I think back to the way they showed up when I was in, and the way they showed up when I was out. I think what that communicates to students now is that’s the way that Jesus cares about them. He’s running after them just as hard.”     -Justin Hepler - Class of 2005





General Contractor



Start Date


Building Team






Contracted Cost To Build


Commitments To Date


Remaining Funds To Raise


Commitment Period



Chris Goodwin, Acanthus Design


             Brantley Construction



September 1, 2021


Vic Workman

Keith Einsmann     

Randy Bartlett

Kyle Loseke

Russell Bartlett








        12 Months



































































“I can attribute a lot of who I am now as an adult and as a believer and as a wife and mom to my experience with being mentored by my youth leaders in high school. It’s shaped a lot of who I am. And I have great parents and a great family I was raised in, but there’s something about that switch when you hit high school, when your mom and dad don’t know anything anymore, so there was something to be said for having mentorship and counsel that was wise from other adults.”   -Anna Vanhorn - Class of 2010






--- Pledge Day & First-Fruits Offering

--- Reveal and Celebration

Campaign will run from September 1, 2021 to September 1, 2023

“I went to a public university, and having the foundation that I had from the youth ministry, and the mentorship of leaders who continued to keep in touch with me after college, motivated me to seek out a church family immediately when I got to college. ”   -Anna Vanhorn - Class of 2010

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