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Blue Ridge Healthy Families

Blue Ridge Healthy Families


DESCRIPTION OF AGENCY                                                   

Healthy Families America® (HFA) is a nationally recognized evidence-based home visiting program model designed to work with overburdened families who are at-risk for adverse childhood experiences, including child maltreatment. It is the primary home visiting model best equipped to work with families who may have histories of trauma, intimate partner violence, mental health and/or substance abuse issues. HFA services begin prenatally or right after the birth of a baby and are offered voluntarily, intensively and over the long-term (3 to 5 years after the birth of the baby). 

The HFA model, developed in 1992 by Prevent Child Abuse America, is based upon 12 Critical Elements derived from more than 30 years of research to ensure programs are effective in working with families. These Critical Elements are operationalized through a series of best practice standards that provide a solid structure for quality yet offer programs the flexibility to design services specifically to meet the unique needs of families and communities. Model fidelity is illustrated through a comprehensive accreditation process. Currently there are nearly 700 affiliated HFA program sites in 40 States, DC, all five US territories: Guam, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Northern Commonwealth of the Marianas, the American Samoa and Canada. 

HFA has a strong research base which includes randomized control trials and well designed quasi-experimental research. To date, research and evaluation indicates impressive outcomes. Reviews of more than 15 evaluation studies of HFA programs in 12 states produced the following outcomes: 

  • Reduced child maltreatment 

  • Increased utilization of prenatal care and decreased pre-term, low-weight babies 

  • Improved parent-child interaction and school readiness • Decreased dependency on welfare, or TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families) and other social services 

  • Increased access to primary care medical services 

  • Increased immunization rates 

For more information, visit


We have been providing quality services to families in our area since May of 2012. In addition to our extensive services, our home visitors use evidence-based curricula with BRHF families. Our primary curriculum is Growing Great Kids by Great Kids, Inc. as well as numerous supplemental curricula. We offer a wide range of resources on specific parenting topics and all of our staff are intensively trained in a variety of social and developmental areas (including but not limited to: Maternal Depression, Substance Abuse, Infant and Toddler Development, Car Seat Safety. 

We serve Buncombe, Avery, Mitchell and Yancey Counties. 

*See more about the services we offer on the Service Providers tab. 

BRHF is a true collaborative effort between many agencies in the service area. BRHF is a program of the Blue Ridge Partnership for Children. The BRHF Advisory Team is fortunate to have the expertise of many of the leaders innovating change for families in Buncombe, Mitchell, Yancey, and Avery Counties, as well as, the NC HFA MIECHV State Consultant.

VOLUNTEER PROCESS                                                          


Nickey Stamey 828-682-0047

AGENCY NEEDS                                                                      

Diapers, wipes, developmentally appropriate toys, strollers, materials for skill series playpens, trash removal for families, simple home repairs for families, volunteers to take families to medical appointments, volunteers to run a supply closet for families, and monetary support.

AGENCY ANNUAL EVENTS                                                   

Our agency holds Skill Series classes quarterly in which a family learns a life skill (crock pot cooking, budgeting, container gardening, etc.) and we provide them with materials they need in order to use that skill going forward. We also hold an annual graduation event for families who have completed three years in the program, and we host an annual Christmas celebration where referral agencies, partners and families come together to enjoy a meal.

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