Making Sense of SUFFERING
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
6:30PM - 8:00PM
We live in a world of pain, sorrow and suffering. No one is immune from these things. They are a very real part of the fabric of our broken world. But why? It’s easy to question how or why God could allow something hard and difficult into our lives. Sometimes we can turn bitter and outwardly angry towards God during suffering. Or, maybe we slowly shut down and withdraw and quietly begin to doubt God’s goodness. The reality of pain and suffering is a stumbling block for many people to even believe that God exists.
Is there a better way to walk through the valleys of life? How do we make sense of pain and suffering in the world and in our lives? How can we have hope when the dark clouds hang over our life?
Please make plans to join us on Wednesday, August 7th at 6:30PM at the Weaverville Campus as we discuss making sense of suffering and trusting God in our pain. All are welcome and this event is open to everyone in the community.
Brookstone Church
Weaverville Campus
90 Griffee Rd.
Weaverville, NC 28787